Featured Titles from Marick Press


The Call to
Destroy Nixon

by Pablo Neruda

translated by Chad Sweeney

[F]rom time to time I must be
a bard of public service,
which is to say that
I must give the lumberjack,
the shepherd, the bricklayer, the farm-hand,
the gasfitter or any poor foot soldier,
the power to break free with a clean punch
or to release the madness
like flames from his ears.  








Call me Noah

by Lennart Sjögren

Translated by Göran Malmqvist

“...a magnifi cent poem
...with the language scaled
to the innermost,
Call me Noah occasionally owns
almost self-clarifying clarity.”
—Magnus Bremmer, Svenska Dagbladet  







Unseen Isles and
Other Poems

by Robin Fulton Macpherson

Since 1973 Robin Fulton's home base
has been in Norway and
in the decades since
he has built a solid reputation
as a translator of Scandinavian poets,
such as Tomas Tranströmer,
Kjell Espmark,
Harry Martinson and
Olav H. Hauge.  






Earthly Lexicon
Selected Poems and Prose

by Regina Derieva

The Russian poet Regina Derieva
was born in Odessa on the Black Sea,
and enjoyed the shifting rhythms of the sea:
"Water is the ideal apparel. However many times
you get into it, it's the same".  






  • Call to Destroy Nixon by Pablo Neruda

  • Call Me Noah by Lennart Sjogren

  • Unseen Isles and Other Poems by Robin Fulton Macpherson

  • Earthly Lexicon by Regina Derieva



Edited by Jacqueline Gens

Pages: 198
Publication Date: Spring 2010
ISBN 10: 1-934851-20-5
ISBN 13: 978-1-934851-20-3
USD $15.00 + shipping

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About the Editor, Jacqueline Gens

Jacqueline Gens is the co-director and one of the founders of the MFA Program in Poetry at New England College. For many years, she worked at the Naropa Institute (now University) in Boulder, CO, before joining the staff of the late poet, Allen Ginsberg in NYC. She is a regular contributor to a number of Buddhist publications. Her poetry chapbook, Primo Pensiero, with a foreward by Anne Waldman, was published by Shivastan Press in the fall of 2008. Poems have been published or are forthcoming in The Alembic Review, Henniker Review, Connotations, Poetry International, Mercy of Tides: Poems for a Beach House (Salt Marsh Pottery Press), and The Mirror.

First Annual Hayden Carruth Poetry Prize, Deadline Extended!

Tygerburning Literary Journal, a publication of the MFA Program in Poetry at New England College announces its first annual Hayden Carruth Poetry Prize. The submission period for the prize is October 15-February 28, 2011. For general submission guidelines for Issue #2, edited by James Harms, please go to the Tygerburning Literary Journal's website Submit page.

An Annual Poetry Contest
One first place winner receives $1000 and publication in Tygerburning Literary Journal, Issue #2, Spring 2011 edited by James Harms ! Two honorable mentions receive $100 and publication.
The 2011 judge: Brian Henry* When is the deadline? The new postmark deadline is February 28, 2011.
What are the guidelines?

• $20 entry fee. Make checks payable to “Marick Press” (P.O. Box 36253, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236) or if you are submitting electronically use the PayPal button below. 
• Entries must be postmarked by February 28, 2011. 
• Submit up to three poems, not to exceed six pages.
• Poems must be original, written in English, and previously unpublished
• Your name or address should not appear anywhere on the poems.
• Your name or address should appear only on the cover letter.
• You may submit via electronically or by snail mail.
• If you mail your entry, enclose an index card with poem titles, your name, address, phone number, and email address
• If you mail your entry, enclose an SASE for notification of winners
• You may also enclose a postage-paid postcard for acknowledgement of entry (if you’d like)
• Entries must be typed, and on one side of the paper only
• If using the mail, use a paper clip or send unbound—no staples or binding, please
• Once submitted, entries cannot be altered
• No translations please
• Multiple entries allowed—each entry must include a separate entry fee
• No entries will be returned
• Email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for information or questions

To submit electronically, please submit only one file as a word attachment, with up to three poems. In the subject of your email, enter "Hayden Carruth Prize". In the body of your email, please provide your contact information and a brief biography. Email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it To submit via the mail, send to Tygerburning Literary Journal, New England College, MFA Program in Poetry, 98 Bridge Street, Henniker, NH 03242. Include a check for $20.00 payable to “Marick Press” or pay using a credit card on PayPal on Marick Press Website under Hayden Carruth Poetry Prize *No former or current students, colleagues or friends of the judge may enter the contest. To pay your entry fee for the Hayden Carruth Prize click here:

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Editor's Picks


Field Guide

On Foot

Upcoming Events

Sept24The Poets’ Follies Reading Series, sponsored by Marick Press and The Oakland University Writing Center, will feature the poetry of David Young, Todd Swift and Jason Storms at 6:30PM. The reading will be followed by a question and answer session.
Wednesday September 24, 2014
6:30PM, Room 212, Kresge Library at Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309 
   - For more info...

““Nothing good ever comes of love. What comes of love is always something better”
― Roberto Bolaño