Featured Titles from Marick Press


Unseen Isles and
Other Poems

by Robin Fulton Macpherson

Since 1973 Robin Fulton's home base
has been in Norway and
in the decades since
he has built a solid reputation
as a translator of Scandinavian poets,
such as Tomas Tranströmer,
Kjell Espmark,
Harry Martinson and
Olav H. Hauge.  






Earthly Lexicon
Selected Poems and Prose

by Regina Derieva

The Russian poet Regina Derieva
was born in Odessa on the Black Sea,
and enjoyed the shifting rhythms of the sea:
"Water is the ideal apparel. However many times
you get into it, it's the same".  








Call me Noah

by Lennart Sjögren

Translated by Göran Malmqvist

“...a magnifi cent poem
...with the language scaled
to the innermost,
Call me Noah occasionally owns
almost self-clarifying clarity.”
—Magnus Bremmer, Svenska Dagbladet  







The Call to
Destroy Nixon

by Pablo Neruda

translated by Chad Sweeney

[F]rom time to time I must be
a bard of public service,
which is to say that
I must give the lumberjack,
the shepherd, the bricklayer, the farm-hand,
the gasfitter or any poor foot soldier,
the power to break free with a clean punch
or to release the madness
like flames from his ears.  






  • Unseen Isles and Other Poems by Robin Fulton Macpherson

  • Earthly Lexicon by Regina Derieva

  • Call Me Noah by Lennart Sjogren

  • Call to Destroy Nixon by Pablo Neruda


Edited by Jorge Etcheverry

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Chilean Poets

Edited by Jorge Etcheverry

Publication Date: Fall 2010
250 Pages
ISBN10: 1-934851-24-8
ISBN13:  978-1-934851-24-1
USD $16.95 + Shipping

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This anthology offers a broad spectrum of modern and contemporary Chilean poetry, including both works by such eminent figures asPablo Neruda, Gabriela Mistral, Pablo de Rocka, Vicente Huidobro,and Nicanor Parra and a representative sample from the succeedinggroups and generations of poets who have gained public andcritical acclaim. The editors have devoted considerable space to thenew voices but not only to the best known among them and notjust to their most familiar poems. The aim has been, rather, toencompass the diversity of aesthetic and thematic interests.Chilean poetry is no longer limited to a geographical region. Theglobalization began with the events of 1973, which sent Chileans intoexile to the four corners of the earth, and it has been perpetuated andstimulated by the ever increasing facility of virtual communication. Thus,the anthology focuses not only on the multi-faceted poetry of Santiagoand the strong, majestic poetry of the South and the North of Chile, butit embraces also writings by established and emerging poets in Canadaand the United States, a product of the Chilean diaspora. Moreover, itseeks to reflect the various segments of contemporary Chilean poetry, such as that being written by women and indigenous poets.It has been said that the Spanish language is ideally suited to the creationof poetry. Here the editors have demonstrated that Chile occupies aplace of privilege in this endeavour and that its poets can be justly proud of their explorations among the possibilities of poetic language.

The anthology include names such Armando Roa, Armando Uribe, Ximena Troncoso, Gonzalo Rojas, Elias Letelier, Rodrigo Lira, José Ángel Cuevas, Sergio Badilla Castro, Jaime Gómez Rogers, José María Memet, Waldo Rojas, Alfredo Lavergne, Rosamel del Valle, Vicente Huidobro, Pablo de Rokha, Juan Antonio Ríos and many more.

About the Editor, Jorge Etcheverry  

Jorge EtcheverryJorge Etcheverry, born in 1945, is a former member of the School of Santiago and Grupo América from the 1960s. He lives in Canada and has published poetry, prose, criticism and various articles in several countries. His books of poetry are: The Escape Artist (1981); La Calle (1986); The Witch (1986); Tánger (1991); A Vuelo de Pájaro (1998); Vitral con Pájaros (2004); and Reflexión Hacia el Sur (2004). Lately, he has appeared in anthologies such as Cien microcuentos chilenos (2002); Los poetas y el general (2002); Anaconda, Antología di Poeti Americani (2003); El lugar de la memoria. Poetas y narradores de Chile (2007); Latinocanadá (2007); Poéticas de Chile. Chilean Poets (2007); 100 cuentos breves de todo el mundo (2007); and The Changing Faces of Chilean Poetry: A Translation of Avant Garde, Women's, and Protest Poetry (2008).


Editor's Picks


Field Guide

On Foot

Upcoming Events

Sept24The Poets’ Follies Reading Series, sponsored by Marick Press and The Oakland University Writing Center, will feature the poetry of David Young, Todd Swift and Jason Storms at 6:30PM. The reading will be followed by a question and answer session.
Wednesday September 24, 2014
6:30PM, Room 212, Kresge Library at Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309 
   - For more info...

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― Roberto Bolaño