Araucaria Series
Ediciones Araucarias   The Araucaria Series focuses in the work of Latin-American writers in English or Spanish. This series primary's commitment is to publish books of poetry, fiction or non-fiction by innovative thinkers, established and emerging Latin-American writers and introduce them into the American market.








Raul Zurita
Translated by William Rowe

Publication Date: 2009
Pages: 120
ISBN 10: 1-934851-04-3
ISBN 13: 978-1-934851-04-3
USD $14.95 + Shipping


Editor's Picks


Field Guide

On Foot

Upcoming Events

Sept24The Poets’ Follies Reading Series, sponsored by Marick Press and The Oakland University Writing Center, will feature the poetry of David Young, Todd Swift and Jason Storms at 6:30PM. The reading will be followed by a question and answer session.
Wednesday September 24, 2014
6:30PM, Room 212, Kresge Library at Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309 
   - For more info...

““Nothing good ever comes of love. What comes of love is always something better”
― Roberto Bolaño